Welcome to IEEE Indonesia Section Consumer Technology Society Chapter

Our Vision

“The IEEE Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc) as a global leader inspires research, development, and deployment of cutting-edge technologies for consumer products for the advancement and benefit of humanity.”


Mission Statement- CTSOC Indonesia Chapter

"We innovate and bring consumer technologies to life"

CTSoc is the leading forum for the global technical exchange of engineering and scientific information on advancements in consumer technologies for the betterment of humanity, and for the professional development of its members.

  • Conferences
  • Publications
  • Technical and Educational Activities
  • Standards


CTSOC Indonesia Chapter Officer:
  • Chapter Chair: Sritrusta Sukaridhoto
  • Vice Chair: Pradini Puspitaningayu
  • Secretary: Anto Sihombing
  • Treasure: Astrid Novita Putri